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Planet Janet HOops handcrafts a wide range of hulahoops for dance, fitness and performance.
JAnet is experienced in helping you find a hoop that is just the right size, weight and material for your needs. Custom orders and ready made hoops available through the Pender Islands Farmer's Market, Craft Sales or special delivery by me in the gulf Islands,Victoria and Vancouver areas!
Made with Love and attention to detail.
Hula Hoops!

A beautiful new shining pair of golden twin performance hoops for Lindsay!!!


Lovely colour shifting gold and black custom hoop on it's way to it's new home today! 😄

Gaaawh!!! I love this reflective hoop!! Secretly hoping no one will buy it so I can keep her! 😍😍😍

8_ Look at those colours can't wait to get some colour morphing on the purple and se

'Electric Jungle' custom hoop 💚

Love this gorgeous custom Mermaid Hoop for _mermaidsetfree !!! Next up, paddle board hooping!! 💞💖

Three lovely custom made hoops ready to sparkle n' spin in the sunshine! 😍☀️💖

Stoked to perform with this newly taped sunburst hoop today (among others) at a Hawaiian themed end
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